On 24 and 25 November appointment at the Hotel Westin Excelsior, Rome for the twentieth edition of the Tavola Rotonda con il Governo Italiano (round table with the Italian government), highly anticipated event by the world of politics and economics that take this opportunity for its leaders to tackle Italy’s most current issues.
Organised by Business International, one of the companies in the Fiera Milano Group, the XX Round table with the Italian government also includes the presentation of the long-awaited annual report on the competitiveness of Italy in the international context.
In the year of the global crisis, the main theme will be the crisis itself, its costs and the most effective policies to get through it. In the delicate transition from the strongest phase of the recession to stabilisation that heralds a slow and tough recovery, tackling representatives of the Government, the European parliament and international institutes gives business a unique opportunity for wide-ranging reflection.
Two days of discussions will develop around this main theme, articulated according to a now successfully tried and tested scheme: three sessions a day dedicated to specific issues and each one introduced by authoritative government exponents who launch the debate that follows.
So the first day will be dedicated to “Politiche economiche e strategie d’impresa per uscire dalla crisi” (economic policies and business strategies to end the crisis); “Sviluppo del mercato del lavoro e politiche di welfare: provvedere alle persone, ripartire dalle persone” (developing the job market and welfare policies: thinking about people, starting from people; “Modernizzazione della pubblica amministrazione” (modernising public administration).
And the second day will cover “Nuove opportunità di sviluppo per le imprese” (new development opportunities for business); “L’economia tra Stato e Mercato” (The economy between State and Market); “Lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture materiali e immateriali per la competitività del sistema Italia” (developing material and immaterial infrastructures to make the Italian system competitive).
Endorsed by highly qualified participants, as usual: right now participation by the following is confirmed: Vice-president of the Camera dei Deputati, Maurizio Lupi; Minister of public administration and innovation, Renato Brunetta; Minister for education, University and Research, Mariastella Gelmini; Minister for European policies, Andrea Ronchi; Minister of Justice, Angelino Alfano; Minister for legislative simplification, Roberto Calderoli; Minister for regional relations, Raffaele Fitto; Minister of infrastructure and transport, Altero Matteoli, Minister of tourism, Michela Vittoria Brambilla and the Minister for cultural heritage and affairs, Sandro Bondi.
Participation has also been confirmed from the undersecretary to the Minister of economic development, Stefano Saglia and the undersecretary to the minister of economics and finance, Luigi Casero, as well as the Vice-ministers Adolfo Urso (for Economic development) and Paolo Romani (for Communications). Attendees include Antonio Di Pietro and Pierluigi Bersani, and participation by the minister of economics and finance, Giulio Tremonti is expected.
Extremely authoritative panel members (including Paolo Galassi, president of Confapi, Enrico Giovannini, president of Istat, Antonio Catricalà , president of the authority guaranteeing competition and the market; Corrado Calabrò, president of the authority guaranteeing Telecommunications, Luigi Angeletti, secretary of Uil, Susanna Camusso, national secretary of Cgil; Giorgio Cremaschi, general secretary of Fiom, Renata Polverini, general secretary of Ugl; Antonio Marzano, president of Cnel).
And the world of economics will be represented at the discussion tables by the top management of leading companies and associations (Confindustria and Confcommercio), freelance professionals and the selected public of businessman who have participated in this important closed-door Forum.