Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre, FIBES, has been honoured with recognition to its work as a Socially Responsible Company by CONACEE (National Confederation of Special Centres for Employment) and specifically by one of its members, the GRUPO SIFU Special Centre for Employment, Building Comprehensive Services of AndalucÃa.
One of the main tasks for achieving full inclusion of disable people in society and in the special centres of employment involves their inclusion in the labour force, which would not be possible without the implication of companies hiring their service.
In this sense, FIBES, as a responsible institution, is respectful with the regulations on Disability matters and, besides, it has shown to seek excellence in complying with those regulations by hiring disable people and involving them in certain working positions and tasks. In turn, GRUPO SIFU, by selling its products to FIBES, ensures that the latter contributes to the generation of direct and good quality employment whose beneficiaries are disable people.
Consequently, CONACEE has granted its recognition to Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre for raising awareness of labour force inclusion in its Corporate Social Responsibility policy.