Sustainable and oriented towards the future: International contests TO DO! and TOURA D’OR again announced worldwide by Studienkreis

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Berlin, 2 June 2010 – The TO DO! – Contest Socially Responsible Tourism is announced worldwide for the sixteenth time by Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V. (Institute for Tourism and Development). Enterprises and public or private institutions that take into account the interests and needs of the local population in their touristic activities are welcome to apply. That socially responsible and sustainable projects and measures can be economically successful at the same time has been proven impressively by the latest TO DO! award winners from the Gambia and Mozambique. The winners receive their awards and the prize money during the International Tourism Exchange (ITB) in Berlin/Germany – after a thorough selection process by a jury and an on-site visit of an expert.

The international TOURA D´OR – Film Contest Sustaiable Tourism, which has been organized bi-annually since 1990, calls for entries of tourism-related films from professional filmmakers, producers, and agencies. Productions which support a socially responsible, environmentally compatible and thus future-oriented tourism are honoured in different categories. Accepted are contributions in PAL-system as VHS tapes or DVDs in German or English, produced within the period of 2008 to 2010. The TOURA D’OR award ceremony will also take place during the ITB 2011.

On the websites and further information about the contests as well as all TO DO! and TOURA D’OR winners (including short film clips) are available in German and English. The conditions of participation and applications forms are also available for downloading.

READ ALSO  ITB Berlin 2025: Focus on sustainable tourism and social responsibility

Deadline of application for TO DO! 2010: August 31, 2010.

Deadline of application for TOURA D´OR 2010: September 30, 2010.

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Author: Editor