End of the summer: Tourist record in the German capital

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Many guests from Germany and the entire world seized the opportunity of the last summer days to pay a visit to Berlin. In September 2010 890,600 travellers came to the German metropolis on the river Spree; this amounted to a plus of 14.8 percent. The number of room nights rose by 13 percent to 2.03 million.

The German capital attracted more international guests. 337,800 arrivals were recorded; 20.1 percent more than during the same month last year. Their growth rate is almost twice as high as for national arrivals (11.8 percent). Overall, visitors from abroad spent 836,400 nights in Berlin (18.1 percent), compared to 1.2 million nights for German guests in their capital (9.7 percent).

“The growth rate in September rounds off the successful Berlin summer”, said visitBerlin CEO Burkhard Kieker. “With these numbers the previous dead summer seasons for urban tourism are now a thing of the past for Berlin. “

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A particularly large number of guests came from Sweden (33.4%), France (31.9%) and Austria (29.1%) to the German capital in September. 763 establishments providing accommodation with 117,070 beds were available.

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Author: Editor