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ABTA has fully unveiled its Consumer Survey results and they provide some fascinating insights into how the public perceive ABTA and its Members, highlighting what they regard as important when they book a holiday. The survey provides important pointers for ways to improve your business. Here are 5 of the key top tips.

• ABTA Members should make full use of the ABTA logo in all advertising and paperwork. 71% of the public recognise it, far higher than other travel industry trade bodies. 70% of consumers also see ABTA membership as an essential or by far the single most important consideration when booking a holiday, giving Members a clear commercial edge over non-ABTA competitors
• 53% of consumers value the service the knowledge, expertise, and experience of travel agents. So let them know about your staff’s qualifications and areas of expertise; and remember, highly trained staff also consistently deliver higher profits
• 27% of customers do not notice the amount of tax they are paying; don’t let the Government take advantage of this. Tell your customers how much of their hard earned cash is going to the Treasury in Air Passenger Duty and dispel the myth that the high costs of flights are boosting your profits
• Consumer awareness of the importance of sustainability in the travel industry is growing; but many consumers see the environment as the travel industry’s responsibility, so Members should publicise the work you are already doing while looking at ways to improve your environmental performance.
• The majority of consumers associate the ABTA brand with confidence, and nearly half make this association strongly. ABTA will continue to maintain and build on these perceptions but Members can maximise their benefit by emphasising the protection offered by the Code of Conduct and the ABTA arbitration scheme.

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ABTA Members can download the survey here

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Author: Editor