The UK government advises businesses to use conference calls instead of travelling around the capital to avoid travel disruption during the 2012 London Olympics, says Powwownow.

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In the run up to the London Olympics in 2012, the UK government has announced that it is encouraging businesses in London to use conference calls instead of face-to-face meetings to stay in touch with clients and colleagues and to avoid any travel disruption. The announcement, which came just as Transport Minster Norman Baker instructed his Civil Servants to make use of conference calls to save time and money on travel, underlines the cost-effectiveness of conference calling – not to mention its green credentials, says Powwownow.

Powwownow’s CEO, Andy Pearce comments: “Conference calling services have been around for a long time, but as they’ve traditionally been seen as a communications tool for businesses, so many people haven’t entertained the thought of trying it out for themselves.” He said: “Conference calls allow users to talk to a number of people at the same time, and can be used anywhere, such as at home on a special occasion or whilst travelling, and situations like the London Olympics are really the ideal time for any individual, not just businesses, to look into using a conference call service.”

The announcement, which was made following the London 2012 Organising Committee’s Travel Advice for Business Service revealed that it will advise business travellers and commuters of the easiest way to travel around the capital during the busy Olympic Game period. During this time government officials have predicted that up to 800,000 spectators will attend the Games each day and over 55,000 athletes, journalists and other professionals will be involved in the event, which will put a huge strain on the public transport system, the roads and London’s resources.

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Pearce continues: “The Government’s strategy to help cut down on the number of people travelling to and from work by using conference calls is not only good for an individual’s wallet, but also the environment, as it means less cars will be clogging the roads during what will be an exceptionally busy time for Londoners and tourists. Investing in conference calls next summer could make all the difference between having a very stressful time travelling or a much more relaxing and efficient time working from home. ”

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Author: Editor