BEBEE – Slovenia Green Meetings

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In  its  essence  Slovenia  is  a  green  destination.  With  around  60 %  of  its  surface  covered  in forest, Slovenia is the second most forested country in Europe. Just 60 kilometres from the capital  city  Ljubljana  one  can  even  find  virgin  forest.  Slovenia  is  among  the  most biologically diverse countries in the world. Also due to the indigenous  species  of  the Carnolian  bee,  Slovenia  can  be  portrayed  as  a  European  biotic  park.  Indeed,  one  of  the most  prevalent  feature  of  Slovenia,  attracting  its  guests,  is  its clean, unspoiled environment characterized by calm, relaxing atmosphere. Visitors hence perceive Slovenia as an environmentally attractive destination. Increasingly, Slovenian meeting and incentive providers focus on implementing sustainable business practices and development of innovative sustainable products and services. For instance, meetings in Slovenia can be held in conference hotels awarded with Green Globe Certificate or EU Flower.

Delegates can enjoy culinary arts, which are based on certified  eco  ingredients,  while  tasting  organic  Slovenian  wines along with drinking water directly  from  the  tap.  On  an  incentive  trip  or  study  tour,  delegates can experience authentic local traditions presenting Slovenian history and cultural heritage. As Jana Apih, Director of Toleranca Marketing, states “it is our responsibility  to  preserve  the  meeting destination of Slovenia so that  future destinations will be able to hold their conferences, congresses, incentives, events in an honestly green destination.” With a view to preserving natural assets of Slovenia, the Slovenian Convention Bureau launched  “BeBee”  campaign.

The  BeBee  campaign  aims  to  increase  the number of bee colonies, slowing down the negative trend reflected in the loss of bee colonies. Caring for the  bees  shows  our  concern  for  nature,  clean  environment  and  quality of life. In this manner, the BeBee campaign represents one piece of the puzzle in our aspirations of preserving nature.  Accordingly, the Slovenian Convention Bureau became an annual patron of the Beekeeping Association of Slovenia and its Carnolian Bees Conservation Trust. The Carnolian Bees Conservation Trust aims to protect Carnolian bees and promote the tradition of beekeeping in the Slovenia. In collaboration, the BeBee campaign enables one beekeepers’    club  in  a  Slovenian  primary  school  to  set  up  a  beehive to learn breeding the bee  colonies.

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Thus,  “the  BeBee  campaign  presents  a  strategic  measure  of  the  Slovenian meeting and incentive community with a potential to have a considerable impact on environmental protection and social wellbeing,” says Miha Kovačič, Director of Slovenian Convention Bureau.    Meeting professionals, being aware of environmental and social issues  of  global warming, climate change, discrimination,  social  exclusion  and  poverty,  can take an active role in bringing positive  results  for  the  local  as well  as global society. “The BeBee campaign calls upon meeting professionals to support the work of the beekeeper’s club in increasing  the  number  of  bee  colonies,  and  thus  sign  the  BeBee  petition,” says Gorazd Čad, Director of Go.Mice agency.

Nowadays, meeting planners can hold and delegates can attend meetings in Slovenia endowed with a wealth of natural resources and rich, local tradition.  So as to preserve the green character of Slovenia for future generations, meeting professionals can become actively involved in the “BeBee” campaign and thus make a positive step in environmental protection. To join the BeBee campaign, please visit For more information on BeBee campaign and upcoming BeBee Facebook  game  we  kindly  invite  you  to  attend  the  BeBe  press  conference on Thursday 26 May, from 10:30 to 11:30, at IMEX in Symmetrie 4

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