“The Present and Future of Researches on Science about Human Movement” Cracow, 22-24.09.2011
As a part of celebration of 20th anniversary of International Association of Sport Kinetics, in old royal city, and former capital of Poland – Cracow – there is organized 12th International Scientific Conference “Sport Kinetics 2011”.
The aim of the conference is exchange of scientific knowledge about new direction of researches, techniques and procedures of learning new potential possibilities of achieving optimum effects of human activities in sport, recreation and motor rehabilitation. Conference Sport Kinetics 2011 makes an opportunity for scientific discussion and experiences exchange on enhancing the methods of efficacious movement influence on organism of both an athlete, or an individual who play sport for pleasure, at various period of ontogeny, to evoke desirable adaptation changes.
The main topics of the conference are contemporary tendencies in researches on physical fitness, contemporary researches on influence of physical activity on enhancing the state of health in various periods of ontogeny, as well as impact of modern methods on success in elite sport. The papers will be presented in thematic sessions as short oral presentations or posters. The abstracts will be published as a book, whereas the full texts ? either as an article in scientific journal, or as an electronic monograph.
Detailed information about the conference, as well as active and passive participation in it, is to be found on http://iask.awf.krakow.pl (registration only via website –click here-).