12-13 May 2011, Dublin, Ireland
The European Travel Commission (ETC), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Fáilte Ireland have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the ETC-UNWTO Joint International Seminar on Tourism Product Development, which will be held in Dublin, Ireland on 12-13 May 2011.
This practical seminar will provide you an overview of the soon to be published ETC & UNWTO Handbook on Tourism Product Development. The handbook’s authors will take you through the fundamentals and principles of tourism product development, followed by an overview of the various steps involved in the tourism product development process. This will be followed by a number of international ‘best practice’ case studies. This is also a unique opportunity to benefit first-hand from the experience of the Handbook’s authors, Tourism Development International (TDI).
Deadline for registration: 26 April, 2011
Details of the Seminar (programme, registration document) can be found on our corporate website, under the following link: