Flying high this week…
Kung Fu cabin crew
Next time you fly Hong Kong Airlines be sure to be perfectly polite to the cabin crew. In a bid to help their staff deal with unruly passengers, the crew are being trained in the art of Wing Chun kung fu! Apparently the martial art is ideal for small confined spaces, so don’t start whinging or you might get wing chunned! You have been warned.
Oddest ever check-in items
Virgin Atlantic have just revealed the strangest items that passengers have ever tried to check in. Amongst the list were the following oddities: a dead cow wrapped in plastic, a bath tub and bag full of Caribbean sand – a souvenir for a couple who had fallen in love there.
Superhero stewardess uniform
Delta Air Lines have commissioned artist Nancy Judd to create a superhero stewardess uniform made entirely from bits of Delta Air Lines scrap, including leather seat covers, plane tickets and an old Delta blanket.
Weirdest wedding souvenirs
With Royal Wedding hype reaching fever pitch, companies all over the world are trying to cash in on Will and Kate’s big day. From condoms to cupcakes, DIY dolls to dishcloths – it seems no product is safe from the Royal Wedding treatment. See more here.