Spanish Association of Conference Centres: Next National Congress in Valencia & XV Aniversary

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The Spanish Association of Conference Centres (APCE) looks back over the 15 years since it was established and plans an anniversary celebration which will be attended by leading figures from the event tourism industry, and will coincide with the Association’s 9th Annual Congress.
After presenting recent statistics which demonstrate the growing economic impact that conference centres have on the cities in which they are located, the APCE has organised a celebration which will be attended by the directors of its 37 member centres, as well as leading industry figures who have been involved with the Association, and the industry’s media.
The event is to be held as part of the 9th Annual APCE Congress, which takes place at the Valencia Conference Centre on 14th-15th July. The congress will feature a wide range of speakers including Emilio Duró, the well-known consultant and training expert, whose website is currently breaking all visitor records and is featuring heavily in the media with his unique vision of motivation and change management.
Speeches at the congress, and its technical and commercial discussion forums, will include subjects such as productivity and cost savings in conference centre management, the latest trends in the event tourism market, and the key to a successful marketing strategy.
According to José Salinas, the APCE Chairman and CEO of the Valencia Conference Centre “the Association has upheld the ideals of the founding members for the past 15 years by developing quality events and consolidating a national network which promotes the interests of its members. In addition, it has become a vehicle for launching the centres on the international stage”.
“Despite increased competition, the APCE’s support for the continuous improvement of its members’ facilities in key areas, such as the use of new technologies, innovation and sustainability, together with joint ventures with other industry partners, such as TURESPAÑA, has enabled our members to maintain their leading position in ICCA’s international event ranking.”
APCE’s 15th Anniversary
The Spanish Association of Conference Centres (APCE) aims to represent and defend the collective interests of its members in their dealings with industry peers and with the relevant administrative authorities. The APCE enables its members to exchange business ideas and experiences and acts as the focal point for conference and event tourism in Spain.
A report compiled by the Spanish Association of Conference Centres (APCE) reveals that in 2010 the member venues held a total of 5,108 events which were attended by 4,214,377 visitors and generated an economic impact of €1,600 million.

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