Kuoni presents the 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report

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For the third time now, Kuoni has published a dedicated report on its extensive activities in the area of Corporate Responsibility (CR). The sophisticatedly designed report details the projects and initiatives with which the company is taking on active responsibility for a more sustainable tourism. For the design, Kuoni collaborated with the Swiss artist Marie Velardi. She created striking illustrations of islands currently threatened by the impact of climate change.

The new report is a reader’s digest on Kuoni’s CR and is meant to enable the reader to quickly gain an overview of the progress made so far. The integrated web-codes throughout the report help to guide the reader to more detailed information on a dedicated website.

Kuoni’s key CR projects focus on raising employee awareness about sustainable practices and integrating sustainability standards into the value chain. Further focus lies on mitigating the impacts of climate change and protecting natural resources as well as safeguarding human rights – especially when it comes to the protection of children against sexual exploitation in destination countries. In 2009/2010, Kuoni made important progress in these areas and took another step toward its goal of a more responsible and sustainable tourism.

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‘Concentrating on multiple levels, Kuoni continues to expand such efforts and tackle the complex challenges of long-term viability and sustainability in tourism,’ says Peter Rothwell, CEO of the Kuoni Group. ‘In seeking strategies to effectively confront these challenges, we have joined with scientists and experts from a variety of disciplines. These individuals also have their say in the 2010 CR Report and identify promising perspectives for a number of other projects.’

With her Atlas des îles perdues (Atlas of Lost Islands), the Swiss artist Marie Velardi looks back from the year 2107 at the bygone century and maps out islands that have sunk into the ocean. Her delicate drawings of threatened paradises lend a vivid face to the report and artistically underscore the importance of acting responsibly as a company for the future of our planet.
Kuoni’s CR Report 2010 can be ordered or downloaded at  www.kuoni-corporate-responsibility.com.

Author: Editor