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The FCB will manage the candidacy to gather in the city over 2,000 evaluators of the World Heritage

In 2014 Florence could become the world capital of conservation and restoration of monuments and sites. The city, through the initiative of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco and through the Italian National Committee ICOMOS, is bidding to host the 18th General Assembly of ICOMOS (which stands for International Council on Monuments and Sites) scheduled for the month of November 2014 .

The Firenze Convention Bureau has been identified by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation as a reference body for the development of the initiative and candidacy management, supported by the city government and its member ENIC, FCB partner for the event organization.

Florence is competing with other important international cities like Prague and Sydney and will have to confirm the formal application until June 20th to the ICOMOS Italian National Committee, whom will submit it to the ICOMOS Executive Council of Paris (June 26th).

ICOMOS is the UNESCO consultant for sites of the “World Heritage” list (that also includes the historic center of Florence). Every three years the conference gathers about two thousand experts in the preservation and restoration of sites and cultural heritage of the 93 countries members of the organization.

The history of Florence, made immortal by the works of artists and architects and the verses of poets and writers, is probably the better location for such an occasion, coinciding also with the 50th anniversary of “The International Charter of Venice for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites”.

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Author: Editor