AIME 2012 Hosted Buyer Early Bird Rates announced

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29 August 2011: Prospective buyers looking to join the Asia-Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo’s (AIME) popular Hosted Buyer Program in 2012 will benefit from significant savings, with the organisers announcing a 10% ‘Early Bird’ saving off the registration fee when submitting a Hosted Buyer application before 28 October 2011.

The 20th anniversary AIME will be held on 21-22 February 2012 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) in Melbourne, Australia.

With approximately 850 international Exhibitors expected, AIME 2012 will present ample opportunity for buyers to make important business connections as well as receive a range of exclusive benefits available only in AIME’s VIP Hosted Buyer Program.

Benefits include flights, accommodation, pre-touring itineraries in Victoria and access to AIME’s exclusive Hosted Buyer lounge and networking program. To maximise the two day event Hosted Buyers will also receive personalised Pre-Scheduled Appointments (PSAs), which allows them to meet with the Exhibitors they are interested in doing business with.

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Sally de Swart, AIME’s Event Director, says that AIME’s Hosted Buyer Program offers buyers a productive schedule to conduct business over an enjoyable two days.

“Exhibitors and Hosted Buyers come to AIME to make business happen by meeting with existing contacts and making important new ones. Face-to-face meetings are extremely valuable in this industry and AIME presents a perfect forum to meet with a host of contacts in just two days,” Ms de Swart said.

“This year’s event attracted almost 850 exhibitors, with 200 of these first time exhibitors at AIME, presenting a greater diversity of companies, products and services for buyers to choose from. We ensure that our Hosted Buyers gain value from their attendance and meet with those exhibitors they are really interested in doing business with.”

For more information about AIME 20112 visit

Author: Editor