In late 2010 St Paul’s Cathedral introduced touch screen multimedia guides and a Group Tour System, both included within the cathedral’s sightseeing admission charge. These were just part of a series of improvements to the visitor experience which has subsequently seen the cathedral win the UKinbound Attraction of The Year Award for 2011.
The multimedia guides are available in eleven languages as well as British Sign Language and a dedicated version for visiting families. These are distributed to all FIT visitors visiting St Paul’s Cathedral as sightseers.
Groups are catered for with the provision of a Group Tour System which allows the guide or group leader to communicate to the group via a microphone and transmitter to each of the group member’s receivers with headphones.
Alternatively, the guide or group leader’s transmitter can be connected to our new multimedia guide, allowing the guide to share their experience and craft their own tour but pick segments out of the recorded tour to supplement it.
St Paul’s Cathedral will be demonstrating the multimedia guide and Group Tour System on their stand, UKI100. All visitors to World Travel Market are invited to visit and view the two pieces of equipment.
St Paul’s Cathedral – UKI100, Hall N1.