BOI in Collaboration with TCEB Organize CEO Forum with Executives from Leading Multinational and Local Giants

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Bangkok: 10 January 2012- “BOI” and the Ministry of Industry are collaborating TCEB to host HIA and CEO Forum at “BOI Fair 2011” by inviting international leaders including former British Prime Minister “Tony Blair, UNCTAD secretary general, ASEAN secretary general” as keynote speakers.

Dr.Atchaka Sibunruang Secretary General of Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)said as part of the BOI Fair – taking place during January 5th-20th 2012, – BOI in collaboration with Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau are hosting “The firstHonorary Investment Advisor : (HIA)” on January 16th, 2012 and “the CEO Forum” on January 17th , 2012 at the Plaza Athenee Hotel Bangkok.

CEOs and HIAs will join both forums to share idea and exchange strategies with Thai public and private sectors on investment opportunities including economic rehabilitation plan and flood prevention measures.

The First Honorary Investment Advisorsor HIA will cover issue relating to the five-year BOI strategic plan (2012-2016). While the CEO Forum will have a number of world-class speakers on topics with interests to CEOs.

Among the speakers are former British Prime Minister Tony Blair who will deliver an address on “The Challenges and Opportunities in a Globalized World”; Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Genevawill speak on “Global Sustainable FDI and opportunities for Thailand; and Surin Pitsuwan,Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will talk on the topic of “ASEAN Economic Community :What does it mean to Thailand”

“We are also honored that H.E. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will the host a gala dinner at the Government House for the CEO Forum participants to help restore confidence among investors, “ said the BOI Secretary-General.

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Other speakers at the Forum are Kittiratt Na-Ranong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce who will outline the country’s economic stimulation plans.

There will be a panel discussion on environmental-friendly strategy for successful and sustainable industry with speakers including Kan Trakulhoon, President and CEO of SCG, Yoshihisa Kainuma, CEO and President of Minebea Co Ltd from Japan. John F. Coyne, CEO of Western Digital Co Ltd from USA, the world number one hard-disk manufacturer will also take the podium to talk about corporate innovation.

Mr. Akapol Sorasuchart President of Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) said that BOI Fair 2011 is Thailand’s largest international industrial exhibition under the concept “Going Green for the Future”. HIA and CEO Forum will be major platforms to reposition Thailand as the premier investment destination and venue for international meetings and exhibitions.

“Most importantly, the HIA and CEO Forums will be showcases to regain confidence for Thailand. TCEB hope to reach out to participating CEOs in the event to organize corporate meetings in Thailand. TCEB will also provide a testimonial to these participated CEOs as we are confident that they could be the voice to help regain Thailand as the leading venue for MICE business,” said Mr. Akapol.

Another TCEB major activity at the BOI Fair 2011 is to reassert Thailand’s determination as a strong candidate to host the World Expo 2020 through the “Believe in Thailand: Expo 2020 Pavilion”.

This is featured through “Believe in Thailand: Expo 2020 Pavilion” – depicting unity among Thais in supporting the project and rebuild confidence for Thailand and Ayuttaya province during the post-flood period. The target audiences for the pavilion are business executives, investors, students, press and the public. The number could reach 100,000 during January 5th-20th, 2012.

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“On January 4th, we arranged a tour for over 300 people including the press, guest from public and private sectors, business executives, investors to visit the Pavilion. The foreign CEOs will visit the Pavilion on January 16th. The Pavilion has drawn strong response from visitors. Since the opening on January 5th, there have been 20,000 visitors to the pavilion and we are certain we will reach the target,” said Mr. Akapol.

TECB has joined with private sector to implement short, medium and long-term strategies to maintain the industry’s growth at 15-20% per year. In 2012, TCEB expects to host 750,000 MICE visitors with economic value of 60,120 million baht.

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Author: Editor