MPI UK and Ireland Chapter announces 2012/2013 board

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The UK and Ireland Chapter of MPI has confirmed that current president, Samme Allen from the Barbican will serve a second year as chapter president, supported by James Samuel of International Confex as president elect.

The chapter’s decision to appoint Samme Allen for a second year brings the UK and Ireland Chapter in line with many of its European counterparts, where presidents can serve for two years, allowing greater time for strategic planning to build a cohesive board and achieve goals that are of greater benefit to all members.

The full 2012 / 2013 board will comprise:

• Samme Allen, Barbican – President
• James Samuel, Confex – President Elect
• Anthony Hyde, Barbican – Past President
• Miguel Neves, IMEX – VP Finance
• Charlotte Baxter, MCI – VP Events
• Louise Newton, Newton Events – VP Membership
• June Clark, Reed Travel Exhibitions – VP Knowledge
• Lisa Owen, Visit Manchester – VP Communications

With the 2011 / 2012 past president, Fiona Pelham joining the International Board of Directors, Anthony Hyde (2009 / 2010 president) has agreed to share his time and knowledge in the role of past president.

The decision was reached unanimously by the UK and Ireland board of directors in light of Nathalie Jean’s intention to leave the board at the end this year due to the development of her own business and a huge increase in her professional commitments.

Samme Allen, Barbican head of sales and MPI UK and Ireland President said: “Building the team over the past year has been a delight, we have created a varied and rewarding programme for members but one year alone is simply not enough time to bring about all the changes and goals we need for the Chapter to deliver true value for members. An extra year, supported by James will truly allow this MPI board to create a chapter that is respected the world over. These decisions have ensured a balanced and experienced board, working for the benefit of all.”

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Author: Editor