For the third time the bronze medal goes to Gdansk!

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For the third time Gdansk receives a high place in the statistical ranking. Both in the International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA) and Poland Convention Bureau (PCB) statistic reports Gdansk holds the third place after Warsaw and Krakow. Gdansk took the same place in newly published report of  Union of International Associations Meetings(UIA), where Poland, with a total of 114 meetings, took up a high, 23rd place. Comparing to 2010, there was an increase of 54%!

The UIA prepare statistics on the international meetings that fulfill the following criteria:
– International meetings of associations on the UIA database,
– Other international meetings that last a minimum of 2/3 days and there is participation by a minimum of 250/300 members of five different nationalities, 40% of which do not come from the host country.

There were 12 such events in Gdansk in 2011. These are the some other Polish cities that held the biggest number of associations meetings, included in the UIA Report: Warsaw – 40, Krakow – 30, Wrocław – 7, Poznan – 6.

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The Union of International Associations (UIA) is an organisation that deals with studying the size of the meetings industry in the context of international  associations meetings. Within the UIA activity there is also the publication of  the conferences calendar, as well as the associations database. Organisations, foundations, companies or individuals interested in the Union of International Association’s activities and its aims, as well as participation in it, may become Union members. What’s more, each year at the General Meeting, over 250 most active individual members are selected.  By presenting them with this international award, their commitment to long-lasting international activity is accentuated.

Statistics report of the Union of International Associations (UIA) and Gdansk high ranking proves the efficiency of the promotional activities done by Gdansk Convention Bureau.

Author: Editor