Alessandro Rosso buys 80% of The Blenders Shanghai

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Soon it will be “DolceVita” in Italy for 100,000 Chinese millionaires

Alessandro Rosso has signed a few days ago a contract with the founders of  The Blenders, Enrico Montangero and Simone Colonnello: ready for marketing operations on a large scale for elite tourism from China.

The Blenders based in Shanghai, in the heart of the city, has over seven years experience in the Chinese market, having already worked for organizations such as Miroglio Group and the Shanghai Fashion Week, Terna, Chateau d’Ax, Consortium of Grana Padano and Prosciutto di San Daniele, ICE, Promos, AngeloPo.

Strategic objective of the operation is to create alliances and provide adequate logistics to Chinese tour operators in the luxury sector, to address the great managers towards more cultural worth of Made in Italy, with the discovery of historical and architectural beauties, but also the lifestyle and a view of Italy in Europe, as La DolceVita.

“Today Rosso Group, which is already the largest Italian group in the field of luxury tourism, offers itself as a compass for the top Chinese spenders, to increase the share occupied by Italy in Chinese Tourism with great potential for spending and relationships, “says Alessandro Rosso.

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AlessandroRosso China will be driven by Simone Colonnello , GM and Loredana Vavassori, as President and coordinator of activities with foreign countries. Based in Shanghai, a few meters from People Square. It will open within the year also in  Beijing, with an International staff.

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Author: Editor