The corporate booking tool, Amadeus e-Travel Management, has seen fast growth in Russia achieving 53 % adoption rate in April 2012 having been implemented in November 2011. Microsoft aims to replicate in Russia the success achieved in mature markets like Germany and France
Microsoft Russia´s objective is to continue building on this success with the implementation of the solution for its 1,400 users across the Russian continent. Since the tool was implemented in November 2011, it has grown to reach 53% in April 2012. This indicates that the market is well underway of achieving its targeted adoption rate of 40% for full year 2012. The expanded relationship means that Microsoft Russia will enjoy a consistent technology and travel programme in alignment with the overall Microsoft EMEA strategy. This is enabled by the expert consulting support facilitated by its Travel Management Company in cooperation with and delivered by Amadeus.
Olive Kavanagh, Travel Category Manager at Microsoft stated: “Thanks to the success of our partnership in EMEA, having achieved over 80% adoption rates of the tool in Germany and France, it made sense for us to expand our established relationship to the Russian market. With our collective industry knowledge, Amadeus were able to adapt the functionality of the online tool where necessary whilst providing an overall consistent offering.”
Albert Pozo, VP Multinational Business & Corporate Travel, Amadeus commented: “As a company dedicated to providing the world´s best travel technology and consultancy to corporations, Amadeus is delighted to expand its relationship with Microsoft to new territories. We have already witnessed the strong adoption of Amadeus e-Travel Management in Germany and France, and are delighted to see very promising results following the first few months of implementation in Russia. Our local market knowledge, experience and presence, along with our global support structure and business-critical reliability, will provide Microsoft Russia with among other aspects, effective financial reporting and the ability to further boost adoption rates for even greater return on investment.“