Gdansk Convention Bureau entry in 2012 ICCA Best Marketing Award

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Solidarity, sea, amber and gothic castles – for this year’s ICCA Best Marketing Award edition Gdansk Convention Bureau presented the campaign based on ‘4 business tourism products’.

GCB application did not classified for the close final, but working on presentation was a chance for GCB to summarise certain stage of activities and determine goals for the future.

In BMA entry GCB described promotional campaign based on ‘4 business tourism product’ connected with Gdansk and Region. The main activities were: creation of database with products and services related to amber, sea, Solidarity and gothic castles on GCB website, organisation of thematic study tours, presentation of 4 tourism products during road show, recording promotional films available on Youtube channel and many others.

The main purpose of the campaign was to engage local PCO (Professional Congress Organisers) and representatives of hotels, restaurants and conference centres into project. And this goal was achieved – in short period of time more than 20 offers were placed in GCB database and there are more still coming. Products and services can be apply through the special form available on GCB website – ‘Incentive offers – add yours’.

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Campaign based on ‘4 business tourism products’ will be continue also next year. GCB plans to organize next thematic study tours and involve campaign more in social media.

Prestigious, annual ICCA Best Marketing Award is concede for the unique activities concerning city and region promotion as conference destination. In contest only ICCA members can take part.

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Author: Editor