First in Poland app for meeting planners!

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GCBeVENT app is the only that kind of mobile tool on Polish meeting industry. Available on 4 systems – iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone, GCBeVENT app can become a turning point in conference, congress and others business events organisation.

Similar mobile apps are already use in West Europe and USA. There is more and more interest in using new technologies in business tourism that is why Gdansk Convention Bureau together with its partner Desmart tries to fulfil meeting industry expectations.


simplifies conference organisation. There is no more need to print event agenda which means lower costs and more ecology. You can also make all the changes in agenda on a current basis and immediately inform about them participants.

helps participants to know better conference venue (by putting into app short information about venue, contact, map and photos).

facilitaties to establish contacts between delegates and lectures – there are participants social media profiles in app (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin). Participants also can send messages to each other during the conference.

diversifies event thanks to possibility of running a contest, making a questionnaire and adding photos to the gallery during the event.

promotes conference venue – organizer can upload local information about hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions with maps.

Moreover, after the conference all participants receive by mail information about agenda, delegates and also own notes made during the conference. There is a special sponsorship zone.

How to use the GCBeVENT app?

You can download GCBeVENT app by:

AppStore for iPhone (version 4.0 to 5.1.0)

Google Play for Android (version od 2.2 to 2.3.7 and from 4.0 to 4.0.3)

BlackBerry App World for BlackBerry (version 6.0 to 7.0)

Marketplace for Windows Phone (version from 7.0 to 7.5)

and by putting in web searcher: GCB

You can use app during the event by putting event code and your individual code (given by GCB) and your e-mail address (if the the conference is “closed” which means that you have to register before) or only event code (if the conference is “open” which means you don’t have to register before).

Meeting industry, just like other branches, needs to follow new trends and try to adapt them for its needs. Gdansk Convention Bureau tries to take up challenges brought by dynamic mobile world and include using app into its activities.

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Author: Editor