Film, fashion, gastronomy and music – every year Copenhagen offers loads of festivals to suit all interests. In 2013 there will be particular focus on one event when the Eurovision Song Contest comes to the Swedish city of Malmø, just a few kilometres from Copenhagen.
With the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest being held just across the water in Malmø on May 14-18, Copenhagen will be infected by an even larger dose of Eurovision fever than usual. The stage is set for parties and celebrations in the streets of Copenhagen as our neighbours to the north host this major international singing competition.
Copenhagen has also distinguished itself in recent years as the host of numerous high profile film festivals, including CPH:PIX and CPH:DOX, held every April and November respectively. The festivals showcase the best art house and documentary films from around the world, and CPH:DOX is now the largest documentary festival in Scandinavia.
The new year brings a wealth of exciting festivals, exhibitions and events to look forward to in the Danish capital. Keep up to date with what 2013 has to offer at