How to cope with stress? Hints and tips from Mateusz Kusznierewicz

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How to cope with stressNext MPI Poland Club meeting is now behind us. This time, main topic was centered on “Public speaking” case. Mateusz Kusznierewicz (this event special guest), gave listeners some valuable information about how to prepare yourself for presentation, and also how to efficiently deal with stress.

So what is the universal advice? It’s really important to realize, what are the main factors that make us so nervous and anxious. Moreover, Mariusz also suggested a very meaningful connection between two advices: “to do things the best way it’s possible” and “to try combining passions with professional carrier”. Last year, Mateusz Kusznierewicz was appointed as Polish Congress Ambassador, in order to help promote Gdańsk in Poland and, what is very crucial – abroad (Gdańsk as a conference destination).

Mrs Aneta Esnekier, owner of the “Projekt pasja” company, played the part of the second MPI Poland Club specialist. During two – hour workshops called “in a nutshell”, she gave many important information about the process of the ideal presentation creation. What’s more, she showed the “5W method” for the use of presentation planning:

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Who? -who are the listeners

What for? -what should the listeners memorize.

Where? – where the presentation will take place

When? -whenthe presentation will take place

What & How? -how will I develop my presentation

About 40 listeners participated the MPI Poland Club meeting, including the members of Gdańsk Convention Bureau GOT: Anna Górska (CEO), Marta Wiśniewska (Convention Bureau Coordinator) and Adriana Kluczyńska (Convention Bureau Specialist)

Next MPI Poland Club meeting will take place in Warsaw on 22nd March. The event will be centered on: “Team building. How not to lose an employee”.

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Author: Editor