From 12th to 14th of April Gdansk Tourism Fair was held – one of the biggest events dedicated to tourism in Poland.
Over 300 exhibitors from Poland and abroad, including national and regional tourism organization, travel agencies presented their products and services during Gdansk Tourism Fair organized in Exhibition&Convention Centre AMBEREXPO.
During the event ‘Amber compass’ Awards for best tourist promotion of Pomerania region were given. GCBeVENT conference & event app, product of Gdansk Convention Bureau / GTO, won the award in category ‘Innovative solution in tourism‘. Second project by Gdansk Tourist Organisation/Gdansk Covention Bureau and EIBTM – EIBTM Talks Tech was awarded as the ‘Event of the year’. During the ceremony Anna Gorska GOT/GCB CEO collected the awards.
Tourism from ‘A’ to ‘Z’
Exhibitors presented holiday’s offer for approaching season, best tourism attractions, products and services connected with ecotourism and active leisure. Fair had international character – beside Polish exhibitors there were also guests from Russia, Croatia, Hungary and even Malaysia.
Extra attractions during fair
Those, who visited Gdansk Tourism Fair had a chance to participate in many thematic workshops and seminars (dedicated to sport venues management and tourism). Exhibitors prepared also some attractions for the youngest and those a bit older guests: maritime rescue services show, visiting PGE ARENA stadium and also games organized by Castle in Gniew, European Solidarity Centre and many others.
Stand of the City of Gdansk enjoyed big interest – especially pool with miniature of yachts. Special guest of the stand wasMateusz Kusznierewicz – Gdansk Ambassadors for Maritime Affairs, Olympic Gold Champion. City game ‘gdansk4uMOBILE Adventure’ collected many enthusiasts (the goal of the game was to download mobile app and use it to make photos of Gdansk tourist attractions in 3D).
Similar to the previous editions of Gdansk Tourism Fair along with the show there were ACTIVITY EXPO (Sport and Recreation Salon) and KAJAK EXPO (Tourism and Recreations Boats Salon).
Honour Patronage:
Ministry of Sport and Tourism
Polish Tourism Organisation
Polish Tourism Chamber – Gdansk Department
Pomerania Voivodeship Marshal
Mayor of City Gdansk
Pomerania Regional Tourism Organisation
Gdansk Tourism Organisation/Gdansk Convention Bureau