MCI launches “The Power of Engagement” 2012 online sustainability report

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June 5th, is World Environment Day and MCI announced the launch of its 2012 Sustainability Report, entitled “Power of Engagement.”

The online and mobile-ready report details MCI’s strategies and performance at integrating sustainable development principles into its operations and services. Through inspiring stories, video and interactive elements, it shares MCI’s journey towards building a more sustainable company and creating enhanced value for its stakeholders. The report follows GRI’s disclosure and reporting requirements, and was externally and independently verified by the GRI and awarded a certificate of conformance at level C. The report also serves as the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress. MCI is also recognised amongst 620 companies of the 10,000 signatories to the UN Global Compact who are reporting at the GC Advanced Level.

Key highlights of the Report include:

  • 98% of MCI Talents rate it important that MCI is concerned with and accountable for the social and environmental impact of its operations
  • 76% or 2,660 of MCI meetings and events were assessed for security and sustainability risks in 2012
  • MCI’s sustainability and energy event portfolio has grown by 11% with MCI providing logistical and strategic advisory services to over 153 events in the energy and sustainability
  • A strategic management scorecard has been introduced to evaluate and benchmark the sustainability performance of each of our major offices
  • MCI Talents supported 68 charities and volunteered over 1,481 hours to raise funds for community projects all around the world
  • 800 MCI employees globally participated in the inaugural annual MCI Dream Day to focus on and plan their personal and professional dreams
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Guy Bigwood, MCI Group Sustainability Director comments; “With our new digital reporting model, we lead the Meetings Industry towards enhanced sustainability disclosure. With this strategy we engage new and existing audiences in feeding back to collaborate on our sustainability program. We are now reporting on a par with the world’s leading sustainable brands.” Sebastien Tondeur, Chief Executive Office of MCI, adds; “We have seen great advances in our reporting with this, our fourth Sustainability Report. Our journey is far from complete. With a culture of innovation and continued engagement with our partners, MCI can continue to be a strong and enduring force for progressive growth and positive change.”

To view the 2012 MCI Sustainability Report please visit A detailed GRI index is available.

Author: Editor