Travel bloggers from all over the world Meet the tourism industry at TTG Incontri/TTI

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Rimini Fiera, October 17-19, 2013 

It’s called Travel Blogger Destination Italy and it’s the much awaited international event signed by TTG Italia which, for the first time in Italy, will put in touch the most influential travel bloggers with tourism sector operators. The appointment is set in Rimini Fiera, on the occasion of TTG Incontri/TTI, the most important international business to business tourism fair.  

September 6, 2013 –  Spotlights on Travel Blogger Destination Italy, the first great event in Italy that will put in touch the world of travel bloggers/Vbloggers with tourism professionals and that will take place within TTG Incontri/TTI, the main international b2b tourism fair (Rimini Fiera, October 17 – 19).

An exceptional event culminating with the arrival in Rimini of 150 national and international bloggers and video-makers for three busy days of meetings with operators and training seminars with world renowned speakers.

Through the launch of this new event,  once again TTG Incontri confirms its close connection with the market and its trends. In the words of Paolo Audino, managing director of TTG Italia, the company in charge of the organisation of the fair: “For quite some time now we have been monitoring the blogger phenomenon and more generally the role that social communities can play in the development of the tourism business. Herein lies the reason why we chose to invite travel bloggers to the exhibition, because they are becoming an increasingly influential component in the decision making processes of tourism consumers and in territorial marketing strategies”.

For the first time at a b2b tourism appointment then, exhibitors will have the chance to get in touch directly with some of the most influential travel bloggers in the world. “This formula – Mr Audino expounds – is the most suitable for the needs of the tourism industry, because it involves a structured exchange of competences and experiences between travel bloggers and those operators and businesses who wish and manage to tune in with what can no longer be considered a mere trend, but has become a true potential trade component of the tourism product”.

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The project is signed by TTG Italia (leading company in information and event organisation for business to business tourism) with the project management by Fabrizio Todisco and Emma Taveriexperts in territorial marketing and authors of several other successful projects.

I believe that today travel bloggers can be considered true professionals of the tourism industry – Fabrizio Todisco says – . Thanks to Tbdi we will let institutions, travel companies and operators easily get in touch with the world of travel bloggers and maybe even give shape to new and innovative projects through the support of their work and of their ideas”.

Travel Blogger Destination Italy can already count on a tight network of international media partnerships, names that are points of reference for the whole blog scenario: Matador Newtwork, Tripfilms, Travel Dudes, Iambassador, PTBA, Kiss from the world, Instagramers Italia. “Our choice to focus on international best practices – Emma Taveri expounds – is driven by the importance to learn from the leaders of this sector and by the unquestionable need to convey the peculiarities of destination Italy to the top travel influencers of the whole world. Relying on an acknowledged network means providing quality to our operators, because today being a ‘travel blogger’ is no longer enough to contribute to the creation of a successful territorial marketing strategy. 

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The bloggers will be involved in appointments and speed dates with the exhibitors in order to get to know each other, exchange ideas on projects and new strategies, give shape to new professional collaborations. The training seminars programme is also very busy (some examples: Photo for Bloggers and Destination Marketing Managers held by Daniel NahabedianMatadorUVideo for Vloggers and Destination Marketing Managers held by Eric Warren, MatadorU e Kelley Ferro, Tripfilms; Writing for Bloggers and Destination Marketing Managers by Joshua Johnson, MatadorU).

The programme also comprises some jam sessions where international case histories will be presented and networking and entertainment opportunities will be offered. To top up the programme, the keynote speeches will allow an exchange with world renowned speakers and an in-depth analysis of the subjects under debate. Some titles: Travel Blogging: from Passion to Profession. The importance of Experience and quality Content in Destination Marketing (by Michael HodsonAyngelina Brogan – PTBA -) and  The Dream Blogger Trip: People, Timing & Places … How to work creatively together for the best results (by Laurence Norah, Finding the Universe, and Elizabeth Carlson, Young Adventuress).

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Author: Editor