TUI AG again achieves top score in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

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As of 23 September 2013, TUI AG will be listed as industry leader in the Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines section of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) World and Europe. At the annual review of the composition of the indexes, Europe’s leading tourism group achieved particularly high scores in the categories of risk and crisis management and stakeholder dialogue. It also managed to substantially enhance its position in the category of operational eco-efficiency.

“Having been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the eighth consecutive year is a confirmation of our sustainability strategy and recognition of our ongoing commitment to ecological, economic and social concerns. We are convinced that sustainability is important for holidaymakers and for TUI as a company and sets us apart from our competition,” said Thomas Ellerbeck , Group Director Corporate & External Affairs of TUI AG.

Background: The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes follow a best-in-class approach. Companies across all industries may qualify for addition to the indexes. Admission is granted to the respective industry leaders, outperforming their competitors in the assessment of numerous sustainability metrics. Every year, more than 3,000 listed companies are invited to take part in an assessment of their sustainability activities. This year, 333 companies have been admitted to the DJSI World, while 177 companies have achieved admission to the DJSI Europe.

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TUI AG is also listed in the sustainability indices FTSE4Good (LSE), the DAXglobal Sarasin Sustainability Germany (Deutsche Börse), the Ethibel Excellence Index and the ECPI Ethical Index €uro.

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Author: Editor