IFEMA is already working towards next year 2014, a year in which its FERIA DE MADRID facilities will host major international conferences.
Among the events confirmed so far, highlights include the 24th Congress of the European Wound Management Association (14 to 16 May), where high level scientific sessions will take place, and the 82nd Conference of the EAS, European Atherosclerosis Society (31 May to 3 June), where experts from all over the world will analyse advances made in the treatment of arteriosclerosis.
The following conferences will be taking place during the second half of 2014: the 16th Global Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, WPA (14 to 18 September), focusing on the attention and care of psychiatric illnesses and it will be attended by around 10,000 people; ESMO 2014, (26 to 30 September), organised by the European Society for Medical Oncology and with a predicted attendance of 16,000 delegates; the HUPO World Congress (5 to 8 October), care of the Human Proteome Organisation, focused on the advances in the field of proteins expressed by a genome, and will bring together around 2,000 experts on the subject.
Last but not least, Â the 32nd International No-Dig Conference and Exhibition, that, with the support of the Iberian Society for Trenchless Technology, IBSTT, and with the presence of 5,000 professionals, will address the advances made in this type of technology which tries to limit the trenches that cost so much and cause such disturbance in our public spaces.