Seminar is intended for representatives of Prague Convention Bureau and Czech Convention Bureau, regional convention bureaux, convention bureaux within Central & Eastern European region, meeting professionals & media representatives, representatives of local associations, representatives of public authorities – Parliament, ministries, regions and cities responsible for development of congress industry, university professors and students of tourism.
The scientific program of the seminar is divided into two sessions. In the first session entitled “Trends in corporate and association meetings market towards 2020 and beyond”, Mr. Matthias Schultze, director of German Convention Bureau, will talk about the megatrends that are shaping the convention industry. Jakub Dvořáček, executive director of the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry (AIPI), will continue with the lecture on “The importance of understanding how the medical event industry is affected by the pharmaceutical and medtech industry compliance codes”.Christian Mutschlechner, director of Vienna Convention Bureau, will talk about the appropriate attitude to changing conditions of congresses in the field of medicine that is necessary to take today. The first session will end with a panel discussion moderated byBruce Redor, Senior Associate (Europe, Middle East & Africa), Gaining Edge, in which all speakers from Session I will take part.
Second session of the seminar will focus on case studies on the importance of strategic partnership. Within this session, Mr. Martin Sirk, CEO of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), will present a case study on “Strategic Partnerships in Bidding and Marketing”. Juan José García, Director of Marketing & Sales of Barceló Congresos, will present a case study on “Smart Meetings Business Destinations: Moving from Suppliers to Strategic Partners“. The last speaker in the second session will be Mr. Bruce Redor, Senior Associate of Gaining Edge, who will also moderate the final panel discussion.
Registration and more information on www.pragueconvention.cz/seminar