MCI Launches 2013 Annual Report

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Geneva, 29th April 2014. MCI today launched its 2013 Annual Report, a 20-page printed publication and interactive digital version which summarises the company’s performance during the business year ending 31st December 2013 and outlines its vision for the future.

Financial Results

Thanks to an ever-growing business mix, in 2013 MCI once again delivered on its financial objectives, recording double-digit growth and an impressive gross margin, which grew by 10% to reach €116 million, an increase of €11 million from 2012.

Creating value, taking organisations to the next level

Focusing on the value that MCI created for clients in 2013, the Annual Report showcases a number of client success stories and reveals how MCI’s comprehensive range of solutions helped take organisations to the next level, enhance performance, grow globally and drive business results.

The report also showcases MCI’s new portfolio graphic wheel, which was launched in 2013 to more effectively communicate the breadth and depth of MCI’s expertise to clients around the world.

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Vision & outlook

The report ends with MCI’s vision for the future and commitment to deliver results-based outcomes to the global marketplace over the next ten years. The report also presents MCI’s financial outlook for 2014, in which the company expects to achieve double-digit growth to reach a gross margin of €130 million, representing a growth of approximately 12%.

To view the interactive digital version of the report, please visit:

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Author: Editor