Around the block booking and housing piracy: how much money are you losing? |#conference #event

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Last year the Meetings and Conventions Industry lost over 50,000,000.00 in international housing alone due to ‘Around the Block’ booking. It’s time the industry fought back.

Miami, Florida (May 5, 2014). Around the Block Booking or Pirate Booking is when your attendees are tricked into booking rooms outside of the official conference room block. For the meetings and conventions industry this is one of the most important discussion topics of the year. The word ‘attrition’ is now heard on a daily basis- leaving even the most confident meeting planners shaking in their boots. Pirates, we declare, pirates!

ABTS Convention services, a global company specializing in serving medical associations in the US developed “Support Associations, Book Official!”, a meetings industry awareness campaign designed to counteract increasingly larger industry challenges caused by ‘around the block’ booking.

The website allows interested event planners and associations to estimate their revenue loss due to around the block bookings through a free to use Revenue Loss Calculator. Interested event planners and associations can now download the whitepaper “AROUND THE BLOCK BOOKING: HOW MUCH MONEY ARE YOU LOSING?” to find best steps and recommendations to protect your meeting.

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Author: Editor