#BeeSustain – the latest buzz in the meetings industry #events

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Bees are crucial to the eco system, yet an endangered species. As a meetings industry professional you’ve got an opportunity to do something and support the bees when staging your next event! Bees need flowers and can’t cope with pesticides and now Copenhagen and Denmark lead the way with a new #BeeSustain campaign sharing tips and ideas on how our industry can be more sustainable and help rescue the bees too…

Bees and other pollinators play an essential role in the ecosystem.

At least a third of all our food depends on their pollination, therefor a world without pollinators would be devastating for food production. Hence, the bees – an endangered species – are essential for Planet Earth.

Our meetings industry does not just add to the pollution of our planet, but has plenty of opportunity to influence the environmental footprints make in many ways too – for example by demanding sustainable products and proactively working with sustainable meetings management.

Intensive agriculture, climate change and new bee-diseases mean that honey bees can no longer survive without beekeepers to look after them. For events of all sizes, one can make a difference for the bees. For example by

Having participants planting flowers, herbs and fruit trees and share a legacy making the destination you picked bloom.
Focus on organic produce – food, flower decoration, fabrics etc. – bees can’t handle pesticides
Support local bee-initiatives and other green projects
Engage and inform the local community
To inspire others please share your actions using #BeeSustain.

IMEX Sustainability Storytelling Tour

During IMEX you can also learn more about responsible thinking, the Danish way, and about the importance of bees in our eco-system. Visit the Danish stand F270 and get a taste of our Copenhagen city bee beer and honey and join us during the IMEX Sustainability Storytelling Tour on Wednesday, May 21st where the Danish IMEX stand F270 is one of six stops handpicked by the IMEX Sustainability Group to tell more about this pertinent matter.

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Copenhagen – Capital of Sustainable Meetings

Copenhagen has been appointed ‘European Official Green Capital 2014’ because of its focus on sustainability and green growth, and the city has an ambition to become the World’s first carbon neutral Capital by 2025. A meeting or event in Copenhagen is almost bound to have a shade of green whether it is part of your overall strategy or not.

But since Copenhagen is known as the ‘Capital of Sustainable Meetings’ with an impressive track record in sustainable meetings management, hence you can easily choose to go all in if desired. Copenhagen has a world record in organic food consumption, 52% of the Copenhageners commute by bike on a daily basis and 71% of the city’s hotel rooms are eco-certified and wind provides 30% of the electricity used in the city. We are talking a destination and country with loads of experience in sustainable meetings management built on, including the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP15 in 2009 and the Danish EU presidency in 2012 – both of which were certified to international eco-meeting standards and IMEX Green Gold Award Winners.

Responsible thinking can easily be a part your meeting too. We believe it is a bonus for both the environment, your participants, and your budget. Local organic produce and physical activity is a must in meetings, and the same goes for recycling. Responsible thinking not only sends a positive message, it also helps stimulate the energy of your meeting and is a natural part of the renowned Danish meeting design concept Meetovation too. Responsible thinking is simply part of our DNA.

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Copenhagen Concentrated in a glass

In Copenhagen many locals work actively to support the environment. One very tangible proof is the Copenhagen City bee project ‘ByBi’ (City Bee) which since 2010 has focused on increasing the number of bees in the Copenhagen area.

Some 4,5 million bees now live happily in the Danish capital and the Copenhagen ByBi project harvest 5 tones of honey in 2013. The project is also supported by key players in the Danish meetings industry such as the Bella Center Copenhagen & Bella Sky Comwell Hotel, BDP Congress & Events, The City of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Airport, world famous Michelin restaurant noma and Wonderful Copenhagen CVB, who has just adopted two beehives, among others.

ByBi is also a social project educating former homeless people, people on the edge of the labor market, refugees and kids to become bee keepers and all the profits support ByBi’s social and environmental work.

Tasting the ByBi honey is also tasting Copenhagen since honey harvested in different parts of the city has different flavors depending on the vegetation in the specific city quarter.

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Author: Editor