GEBERIT Travels through 50 Years of Innovation History – VOK DAMS Presents Anniversary of Concealed Cistern

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The event specialists of the Munich office of VOK DAMS presented a particularly emotional and extraordinary performance for their client GEBERIT.

The occasion was the 50th anniversary of the concealed cistern of the market leader in sanitary technology GEBERIT – a classic of modern bathroom installation.

To enable as many as possible customers to meet and network in a convivial and entertaining atmosphere, the very special event was held in five destinations. First in Duisburg, followed by Bern, Birmingham, Hilversum and finally Stuttgart.

However, the technological features of GEBERIT products were not at the heart of the gala evening, but rather the customers and their very personal experience of the brand GEBERIT.

GeberitUnder the motto “The future started yesterday” began a trip through the past 50 years on the occasion of the anniversary of “50 years of the concealed cistern” told through a classic love story between a man (a GEBERIT technician) and his customer (and later wife) who get to know and love each other in the course of the evening. A story which is usually only told in Hollywood – including, of course, a happy ending.

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The story provided the guests an insight into the friendly universe of GEBERIT and looked back on the world of the product innovations at the same time.
A multimedia presentation combined theatre, dance, song and virtual media contents in form of pre-produced video sequences.

Mobile LED walls extended the presentation space and enabled guests to view different parts of the story. The story did without language and worked with facial expressions and gestures only, while individual media-produced speech bubbles not only facilitated the international adaptation but also gave the event concept an unprecedented level of non-verbal communication.
Apart from the bathtub acrobatics and a circus magic carpet performance, it was the ending of the show especially that moved some guests to tears.

A declaration of love to the customers present: While the couple on stage exchanged a rose, the guests exchanged roses with their partner accompanying them off stage.
At the end of the evening all guests agreed – that was pure emotion.

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In Duisburg and Stuttgart GEBERIT offered a further highlight by having celebrity and TV chef Stefan Marquard contribute his individual life story as the chef himself had turned 50. Instead of Marquard, Aldo Zillie was expected in Birmingham, while in the Netherlands the popular music expert Erik de Zwart led through 50 years of musical history.

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Author: Editor