TUI AG is the only tourism group listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes World and Europe

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Hannover, 23 September 2014
As of today, TUI AG will be the only tourism group to be listed in the renowned Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) World and Europe.
At this year’s review of the composition of the indexes, TUI AG achieved particularly high scores in the categories of risk and crisis management, corporate citizenship and stakeholder dialogue. Europe’s leading tourism group also clearly stood out from its competition in the rating category of environmental policy and environmental management systems.
“Professional sustainability management and high sustainability standards are firmly anchored in TUI’s corporate strategy. We are convinced that sustainability is playing an increasingly important role for travellers and their holiday experiences. For TUI as a company, a clear sustainability orientation sets us apart from our competition and creates additional value. Being listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the ninth consecutive year confirms our sustainability strategy and recognises our ongoing commitment to ecological, economic and social concerns”, said Thomas Ellerbeck, member of TUI AG’s Management Board.

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Background: The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes follow a best-in-class approach. Companies across all industries may qualify for addition to the indexes. Every year, admission is granted to the respective industry leaders, outperforming their competitors in the assessment of numerous sustainability metrics. More than 3,000 listed companies are invited every year to take part in an assessment of their sustainability activities. The ranking is carried out by the Swiss investment company RobecoSAM on behalf of index provider Dow Jones. This year, 319 companies have been admitted to the DJSI World, while 154 companies have achieved admission to the DJSI Europe.

TUI AG is also listed in the sustainability indices FTSE4Good (London Stock Exchange), the DAXglobal Sarasin Sustainability Germany (Deutsche Börse), the Ethibel Excellence Index and the ECPI Ethical Index €uro.

Author: Editor