Dr. Rob Davidson Reveals Key Themes for Global Industry Trends Watch Report Set to be Delivered at ibtm world 2015

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Industry Recovery, Meetings Design and Geographical Performance to feature as key highlights

  Dr. Rob Davidson, Managing Director, MICE Knowledge and ibtm world Industry Analyst has revealed some key industry themes ahead of his Trends Watch report session, which will be delivered as part of the ibtm world knowledge programme (www.ibtmworld.com/knowledge).
Findings from the full report, which will be presented twice at this year’s show (Tuesday 17th November, 11:30 – 12:30 and Thursday19th November, 9:00 – 10:00), suggest continued growth and optimism regarding expansion of the meetings and events industry in the year ahead.
Davidson identifies that key indicators of the meeting industry’s health, including attendance, budgets, exhibitors, and revenues—continue to remain positive, signalling that the growth trend is set to continue.
Commenting on his research, Davidson says, “A number of surveys of meetings industry associations point to ongoing expansion in meetings and events business, with expectations that 2015 will prove to be more prosperous than the previous year.”
Davidson’s report will also discuss the changing design of meetings and meeting venues. Davidson continues, “In 2015, we are seeing radical qualitative changes in the ways in which meetings are designed. And forward-looking venues are adapting their offer to meet the evolving demands of new-generation meeting planners and attendees.”
The impact of the global economy and its uneven recovery across various geographical regions is also set to feature as a key theme in his presentation. Davisdon concludes, “As the global economy continues to change at an uneven rate, depending upon which world region is under consideration, the outlook for the meetings industry also varies along broad geographical zones.
“In the US, where hotel supply is up, with almost 100,000 new rooms added in 2015, demand for meetings continues to grow at up to quadruple the rate of supply. That means that the US is experiencing a suppliers’ market, with pricing power set to remain in the hands of hoteliers until the second half of 2016.”
All ibtm world delegates are invited to attend the 2015 Trends Watch report session. To register as a trade visitor and to find out more about the benefits of attending ibtm world, please visit: www.ibtmworld.com/visit2015  

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