Once again, Copenhagen has set a new record with 20 Michelin stars divided amongst 16 restaurants in and around the capital – compared to 18 stars to 15 restaurants last year. Restaurant Geranium, famous for being fully-organic, is the first Danish restaurant to receive the coveted 3 Michelin stars and is also the world’s only 100 per cent organic 3-starred Michelin restaurant. In 2014, we shared a recipe from the restaurant here.
Two Copenhagen-based restaurants hold two stars: noma and AOC. Kong Hans, Copenhagen’s first Michelin-starred restaurant, also reclaimed its star today.
Affordable food at reasonably prices
In addition to the prestigious stars, Copenhagen has 9 Bib Gourmands, given to good restaurants with affordable prices. This underlines the fact that Copenhagen’s development into a gastronomic capital has heightened the general level of quality and has created increased the competition in terms of both quality and price, benefitting local citizens and foreign visitors alike.
Aside from breaking its own record from 2015, Copenhagen is still the capital in the Nordic region that holds most Michelin stars.
Food for a wider audience with the Copenhagen Cooking & Food Festival
The new Michelin stars and guide augment an already packed gastro calendar in 2016 in the Danish capital.
In August 2016, a new initiative known as Copenhagen Cooking & Food Festival aims to expand the city’s super-creative, high-end and Michelin-infused restaurant culture to a much wider audience. The ambition is to give more people access to the food that has shaped the Danish capital’s top kitchens as well as access to a revitalized food industry.
The new festival builds on the already impressive food festival – Copenhagen Cooking – where restaurants and food producers host more than 150 events with up to 100,000 guests. In 2016, the city will double its effort to host more events and bring together more food talent in an effort to maintain the city’s position as one of the world’s best gastronomic capitals.
The festival is a collaboration between Copenhagen Cooking, reigning food festival champion in the Danish capital, and The Food Organisation of Denmark (FOOD), a national consortium promoting Nordic gastronomy and food culture in the rest of the world.
Copenhagen Cooking & Food Festival will take place from August 19 – 28, 2016 and aims to double the activity level of the original Copenhagen Cooking festival.
Michelin-starred restaurants in Copenhagen:
*** Geranium
** Noma
** AOC
* Kong Hans
* Clou
* Den Røde Cottage
* Era Ora
* Formel B
* Grønbech & Churchill
* Kadeau
* Kiin Kiin
* Marchal
* Relæ
* Søllerød Kro
* Studio at the Standard
Bib Gourmand restaurants in Copenhagen:
Marv & Ben
Frederiks Have
Kødbyens Fiskebar
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