The fourth edition of WTM Latin America 2016, which takes place between Tuesday 29 and Thursday 31 March in São Paulo, Brazil, alongside the 45th Braztoa Business Meeting, has just revealed its industry leading event schedule.
During the three days of the exhibition, delegates can attend the free sessions that will take place on this year’s main Conference Theatre. Among the headline speakers are distinguished professionals from the likes of Google and PhoCusWright, in addition to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and ALAGEV (Latin American Association of Event Managers and Corporate Travel).
The WTM Latin America event programme continues to offer important industry trends and relevant knowledge. And alongside the many business meetings that take place over the three days, the event programme remains one of the main highlights of this year’s show.
On the first day of WTM Latin America, Tuesday 29 March, Tricia Neves Levy, a travel industry research expert from PhoCusWright, specialising in the Latin American market, will speak about Brazilian traveller behaviour in the context of global tourism. Levy will present global and national figures, giving an in-depth analysis on the Brazilian traveller of today. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in partnership with the Chinese tourism and research consultancy Ivy Alliance, will then go on to present the potential of the outbound Chinese market for Latin American destinations.
On the second day of the event, the CEO and President of the Kronberg Group, a company specializing in growing revenue and productivity, Carlos Aldan, will give a session on increasing productivity in times of a crisis. This session will also be repeated on the final day of the event.
The technology programme last year was hugely popular amongst the delegates of the show, with many sessions offering standing room only. To improve on this even more, WTM Latin America 2016 will feature two big Google presentations. The first on Tuesday 29th March will feature Andrew Landucci, Account Executive of the company followed by Keith Matsumoto, Senior Industry Analyst on the following day. The two experts will offer tips and guidance on how companies and destinations can improve their performance using the power of the internet.
Also on the second day, consulting firm FutureBrand will present the results of their study on the travel and tourism industry in Latin America, highlighting countries’ brands and how they influence decision-making in travel and tourism. The conference will be led by Gustavo Koniszczer, Managing Director, FutureBrand Hispanoamérica.
Finally, the last day of the event, Thursday 31 March, will feature two conferences on event management and corporate travel, both organised by ALAGEV (Latin American Association of Event Managers and Corporate Travel), the association also responsible for the Corporate Tourism area on the WTM Latin America show floor.
Amongst the general sessions, WTM Latin America will also feature dedicated sessions for the attending press, last year a massive 580 media attended the show.
The WTM Latin America Trends Report in association with market research provider Euromonitor International will be revealed to press only. The report will identify key trends set to shape the travel industry in Latin American regions: Brazil, South America and Central America. Plus there will be a selection of Exhibitor press conferences taking place, where exhibitors will be sharing new developments and planned launches.
Lawrence Reinisch, Exhibition Director, WTM Latin America said: “The program of events and conferences at WTM Latin America is one of the most important areas of the show. We seek to provide presentations to inform participants on best practices and trends in the Latin American and global tourism industry, providing professionals with the necessary information for doing good business, which is ultimately the focus of the fair.”
Check out the full schedule in http://www.wtmlatinamerica.com/