Danes again ranked Happiest People on Earth

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man.bike.happuThe Danes have a reason to smile even broader than usually these days. According to the United Nation’s World Happiness Report 2016 Denmark is once again the world’s happiest nation.

The World Happiness Report 2016 looks at trends in the data recording how highly people evaluate their lives on a scale running from 0 to 10. The rankings are based on surveys in 156 countries covering the years 2013-2015. Seven key variables are used: real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, perceived freedom to make life choices, having someone to count on, generosity, and freedom from corruption. Denmark once again ranks first, reclaiming the top spot position from 2013 and 2014.

Denmark is a well-fare state
This year, for the first time, the World Happiness Report gives a special role to measuring the consequences of inequality in the distribution of well-being among countries and regions. It finds that people are happier living in societies where there is less inequality of happiness.
Denmark is well known for its generous state welfare and for its egalitarian nature. People in Denmark enjoy high levels of job security and will receive state support if they lose their jobs or fall ill. The taxes paid are reinvested into free healthcare, schools and universities. Denmark also suffers few natural disasters and has virtually no corruption. In addition, Copenhagen ranks number nine in the global study of living conditions for expats by Mercer, taking the 11th place in the personal safety sub-index, which is a key factor in determining expat quality of living.

Best country for women
The Danes are among the most progressive when it comes to women’s rights and gender equality. A recent survey of more than 7,000 women has ranked Denmark as the world’s ‘Best Country for Women’.

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womendeliverIn May this year, Copenhagen will host the prestigious 4th Women Deliver Global Conference, gathering 5,000 opinion leaders, experts and media to the largest conference in the world for women’s rights and health. Women Deliver is just one of many prestigious congresses coming to Copenhagen this year, and 2016 will be the biggest congress year the city has ever seen.

Top 10
2. Switzerland
3. Iceland
4. Norway
5. Finland
6. Canada
7. Netherlands
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. Sweden

See the full UN World Happiness Report 2016.

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Author: Editor