European Association Summit: Registration is open!

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europeanassociationsummit2016“Early Bird” rate through 22 April: €195

The European Association Summit (EAS), the key event during which international associations exchange information, share knowledge, and network, is now accepting registrations. The annual conference for association sector professionals will run from 31 May through 2 June 2016 in Brussels.

Now in its fourth year, the EAS has launched a “call for presentations,” which has once again touched off an impressive spontaneous reaction. Since last year the event has become the premiere scientific conference and the voice of the association sector. This is because the EAS is one of a kind: created by international associations, the event is also led by them. International association leaders present their vision in this forum and share it with their peers. Without fail this allows them to address the greatest challenges facing international associations. In addition, no European city has more international associations than Brussels, so it is the ideal venue for such a professional gathering.

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How the EAS will inspire its participants in 2016

“Common purpose, common challenges, time to share solutions”

This year the overarching theme of these sessions will be the common challenges confronting associations and the solutions to be implemented. The event thus allows the spotlight to shine on the most creative and innovative ideas that may serve as examples for other associations to follow.

New technologies, risk management, human resources, communications, financing, and governance are some of the topics that will be broached during the EAS. The selection of cutting-edge topics coupled with the skills of the chosen speakers should make for a most stimulating debate. Putting the realities of the field in perspective actually allows international associations to reflect on concrete cases while simultaneously expanding their network of professional contacts.

Finally, by registering for the EAS, participants also have the opportunity to attend the European Business Summit (EBS), which brings together the business and political worlds for a discussion of Europeans biggest issues of the day. The two events offer a combined 60 sessions for more than 2,000 participants from all over the world.

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“Early Bird” registration rate through 22 April: €195 instead of €245 for admission to the EAS as well as the European Business Summit (on 1st and 2 June).

The schedule, list of speakers, and other information are available at

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Author: Editor