#FITUR2016 hits record levels on the social networks with 62 million users

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fitur2016In the most social of FITUR’s stagings, the trade show sought to go further and conducted an in-depth data analysis through the digital strategy developed in its 36th edition, which closed on 24 January

Facebook came out on top among FITUR users as the most widely used network for sharing travel experiences with friends

The FITUR 2016 staging, held from 20 to 24 January, also achieved its best results in the digital domain on social media. A total of 62 million users shared content through the official #FITUR2016 hashtag during the five days of the event. In fact, figures for followers of the Trade Show were 87,700 on Facebook, 59,900 on Twitter and 78,300 uploads on YouTube.

A growing audience that has prompted the Trade Show, together with the HEY AV agency, which is responsible for FITUR’s digital strategy, to launch a survey of trends and consumer habits among the users of its social networks through the ¿Eres un turista 3.0? (Are you a 3.0 tourist?) app. The results allow us to learn first-hand about the habits in the world of tourism as well as the principal apps being used by FITUR followers to choose and decide on their trips as well as to establish which are the principal social networks on which they share their travel experiences.

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When asked: how do you search for trips that may be of interest to you?, 26.65% of users who participated choose their own tourism fair app; 48.83% prefer to do it on travel blogs, while 27.55% research their trip on traveller communities.

When asked about the tourism platform through which they book their trip, 26.39% of FITUR followers do so through a digital operator; 32.41% through a trip comparison site and 41.20% choose the main website of the transport company or the hotel.

Once they have booked their trip, 31% chooses the requisite tours at destination by taking advice from blogs; 36.11% from downloadable travel guide apps and 32.87% from traveller communities.

When answering: which app do you use to move around the city?, 44.44% use a rent-a-car app; 27.31% a bicycle rental app and 28.24% use a car-share app.

The study also asked about which leisure activities they booked through an app. These were their answers: restaurants accounted for 37.79% of our followers’ answers; active sport for 10.42% and tickets for music spectacles 51.85%.

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Author: Editor