ITB BookAwards 2017: the winners

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Award winners include Art Wolfe, Laurent Baheux, Andreas Kieling und Kilian Schönberger, Ilona Hupe, Michael Iwanowski, Nikolaus Gelpke, Christine Thürmer, Robert Macfarlane, Jörg Maurer, Werner Pawlok, Jens Glüsing and Michael Pasdzior

The winners of the ITB BookAwards 2017 have been decided upon. The focus of the Destination Awards is on Botswana, the Official Partner Country of ITB Berlin 2017. Every year, the annual ITB Berlin BookAwards are being voted through an independent jury and on a wide range of different categories and topics. They recognise publications from Germany and abroad, mostly written in German, but also translated into German. The aim of the awards is to draw attention to outstanding travel and tourism publications for the discerning reader. The jury was able to pick several winners in each category. The ITB BookAwards do not confer money prizes.

The presentation of the ITB BookAwards 2017 will be moderated by Mary Amira and takes place on Friday, 10 March 2017 at 4 p.m. in the Palais am Funkturm, the new official awards venue of ITB Berlin.

ITB Book Awards 2017 – the winners

Specialist publications:

Specialist tourism literature

Frank Hermann
oekom Verlag

Christoph Engl
‘Destination Branding’
UVK Verlagsgesellschaft

Background information – Cuba

Jens Glüsing, Michael Pasdzior
‘Kuba. Von der Revolution der Armen,
Havanna und Chevrolets, Amis und Zuckerrohr’
CORSO/Verlagshaus Römerweg

Werner Pawlok
‘Cuba expired’
(Illustrated volume on a glittering bygone age)
Frederking & Thaler Verlag

Tourist maps / Globes

‘KOSMOS Atlas der Erde’
Franckh-Kosmos Verlag

‘Der Harz in 4 Teilen
Oberharz, Mittlerer Harz, Südharz, Ostharz’

‘Relief-Leuchtglobus FRI 30 17’
Räthgloben 1917 Verlags GmbH

Sylvia Sumira
‘Der Globus. 400 Jahre Geschichte, Macht, Entdeckungen’
Verlag Philipp von Zabern/WBG

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Travel publications:

Destination Awards – Botswana

Individual travel guides:
Michael Iwanowski
Botswana – Okavango und Victoriafälle
Iwanowski’s Reisebuchverlag

Traditional travel guides:
Ilona Hupe
‘Reisen in Botswana’
CD ‘Botswana’
Ilona Hupe Verlag
(additional award:
‘Luangwa – Afrikas einzigartige Wildnis’)

Convention & Culture Partner Slovenia

Traditional travel guides:
Dieter Schulze
Verlag Karl Baedeker

Travel destinations in Germany – Upper Bavaria

Siegfried Garnweidner
‘Großes Wanderbuch
München mit den Münchner Hausbergen’

Jörg Maurer
‘Bayern für die Hosentasche.
Was Reiseführer verschweigen.’
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag

Travel destinations in Germany – Cities: München

Traditional travel guides:
Helmut Linde et al.
Verlag Karl Baedeker

Special travel guides:
Judith Lohse
‘München geheim. Ein Reiseführer zu den
unbekannten und besonderen Seiten der Stadt.’
August Dreesbach Verlag

Special travel guide series

Susanne Gretter (publisher)
Series: ‘Die kühne Reisende’
Edition Erdmann/Verlagshaus Römerweg

Architecture travel guides:
In particular for
‘Vereinigte Arabische Emirate’
‘New York’
‘St. Petersburg’
DOM publishers

Special travel books

Christine Thürmer
‘Laufen. Essen. Schlafen.
Eine Frau, drei Trails und 12 700 Kilometer Wildnis’
Malik/Piper Verlag

Andreas Kieling, Kilian Schönberger
‘Sehnsucht Wald. Geheimnisvolle Lebensräume in Deutschland’
NG Buchverlag

Anja Birne
‘Romantische Gartenreisen in England’
Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey

Dirk Liesemer
‘Lexikon der Phantominseln’

Ina Bohse & Anne Voss
‘Brooklyn Neighborhood Guide’

Literary travel books
‘Nature Writing’

Robert Macfarlane
‘Alte Wege’
Translators.: Andreas Jandl, Frank Sievers
Matthes & Seitz Verlag

Ilustrated travel books

Art Wolfe
‘Eden. Die Fotografie von Art Wolfe’
NG Buchverlag

Laurent Baheux
‘The Family Album of Wild Africa’
teNeues Publishing Group

Stefan Hefele, Eugen E. Hüsler
Bruckmann Verlag

Hiking / Cycling

Hermann Leikauf
‘Die höchsten Rennradtouren Österreich’

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Christian Rauch
‘Münchner Berge und ihre Geschichte(n)’
Rother Kulturwandern
Bergverlag Rother

Sea travel – 125 years of cruise travel

Alfred Diebold
‘Kreuzfahrten Nordmeer und Arktis’
Trescher Verlag

Thomas Blubacher
‘Gebrauchsanweisung für Kreuzfahrten’
Piper Verlag

Travel cookbooks

Jean-François Mallet
‘Bollyfood. Die besten Rezepte der indischen Küche’
Gräfe und Unzer Verlag

Innovation award

‘Neuseeland live.
Interaktiver Reiseführer und Tourguide’
Bergwild Verlag

Travel calendars

‘Afrika 2017’
Edition Alexander von Humboldt
KV&H Verlag

Special prize presented by the management of ITB Berlin

Art Wolfe
‘Eden. Die Fotografie von Art Wolfe’
NG Buchverlag

Travel publisher 2017:

Lifetime award

Nikolaus Gelpke, Verleger mareverlag

The members of the 2017 jury are:
• Eckart Baier (Buchjournal)
• Cornelia Camen (BuchMarkt)
• Prof. Dr. Roland Conrady (Hochschule Worms/University of Applied Sciences)
• Armin Herb (jury spokesman, editorial offices, Herb)
• Regine Kiepert (Schropp Land & Karte)
• Martina Kraus (RavensBuch)
• Philipp Laage (dpa Themendienst)
• Karl Mertes (journalist)
• Burghard Rauschelbach (sustainable tourism consultant)
• David Ruetz (chairing the jury, head of ITB Berlin)
• Raphaela Sabel (Schweizer Buchhandel)
• Gerd W. Seidemann (journalist)

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Author: Editor