WTM Responsible Tourism Awards 2017 to Focus on UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

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Harold Goodwin, Prof of Responsible Tourism at Manchester University.

To celebrate 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, World Travel Market London is focusing World Responsible Tourism Day – including the WTM Responsible Tourism Awards – on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The WTM Responsible Tourism Awards will be presented at World Travel Market London on World Responsible Tourism Day, November 7th 2017.

The awards categories are centred on the UN’s Sustainable Tourism Goals, with a focus on businesses, destinations and organisation which can clearly demonstrate their contribution to sustainable development

At WTM London 2016 a number of businesses described in some detail what development impacts they were making by following the SGDs.

The Awards will look for examples of businesses and organisations that have taken responsibility and can demonstrate what they have achieved.

There are five categories this year – the first four are open only to those who have won gold or silver in the last three years in the global, African, Indian or Irish Responsible Tourism Awards.  The fifth category is for organisations new to the awards.

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The Awards categories are:

  1. SDG8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
  2. SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, tourism that creates jobs, promotes local culture and products.
  3. SDG 3: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development through the sustainable management of tourism on and in the oceans.
  4. Remaining SDGs: Businesses and tourism organisations that can demonstrate their contribution to one of the other 14 SDGs
  5. Newcomers: Businesses and tourism organisations which can demonstrate a contribution to one of the SDGs but which have not won Responsible Tourism Awards in the last three years.

WTM London, Responsible Tourism Advisor, Emeritus Professor Harold Goodwin, said:

“We are looking for businesses and tourism organisations that can demonstrate their positive sustainable development impact. We recognise that smaller companies will have smaller impacts. However, smaller businesses and organisations are no less worthy of an award and should not be deterred from applying.”

WTM London is working with the Responsible Tourism Partnership to deliver the awards. Emeritus Professor Goodwin will chair the panel of Judges.

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The WTM Responsible Tourism Awards are open for applications on May 2nd and close August 31st.

If you would like to register to receive details of the Awards and the nomination forms on May 1st please email: wtmrtawards@reedexpo.co.uk.

Full details of the Awards and application forms will be available on the Awards website from May 2ndwww.responsibletourismpartnership.org/WTMRTAwards

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