Bedsonline publishes highlights for fiscal year ´16/´17

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–  Spain remains as the main source market for Bedsonline globally

–  Bedsonline consolidates in North America, registering 51% growth in Canada and 30% in the United States

– Spain is the preferred destination for British bookings made via the Bedsonline platform

Palma – Bedsonline, the leading global provider of online accommodation and ancillary products which exclusively caters to travel agencies, has published  results for the fiscal year ´16/´17 (closing 30th September 2017).

Spain remains as the main source market for Bedsonline globally, followed by Mexico, the UK, France and Portugal. In terms of destinations, the most requested are located in Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), followed by Paris, Tenerife and New York.

Moreover, Bedsonline has consolidated turnover in North America, where it has grown 30% in the United States and 51% in Canada compared to the previous fiscal year.

The trends registered on the Bedsonline platform globally are similar to those of the UK source market. Spain is the preferred destination for British travelers, with Tenerife and Mallorca as the top destinations, followed by Orlando and Lanzarote – which this year has experienced 46% growth in sales – and in fifth place the Algarve. The average number of night´s stay for UK travelers making bookings made via the Bedsonline platform has been 3.96 nights.

Carlos Feliu

Carlos Feliu, Sales Director of Bedsonline commented: “In Bedsonline we have always been committed to internationalization and diversification. It is for this reason that, although Spain is our main market, we have achieved excellent results in fast growing markets such as North America. We also confirmed once again Spain as our main source market, ratifying the maturity of the market where we started operating in 2004.

“In addition to this commitment, this year we have also focused on strengthening our commercial teams, especially in Spain. In this market we have managed to increase by 40% the size of our commercial team with the aim of offering a more consultancy-based service, according to the new needs of travel agents.   “Our technological capabilities are one of the main keys of our success. For example, the technological platform of the group to which we belong handles each day around 1 billion searches. This technological approach has not only allowed us to increase our sales capacity, but also to improve the experience of our clients.  

“Looking ahead to next year, our firm will continue to expand its sales force in countries with great growth potential in both America and Asia.” 

The number of hotels that are now available to customers through the Bedsonline platform has increased from 120,000 to over 170,000. This is result of the recent integration of Tourico Holidays and GTA into the Group to which Bedsonline also belongs. This is a significant increase in the number of hotels that the Group has contracted – the majority of which are directly contracted – and therefore an opportunity for travel agents who can now choose between an even wider choice of accommodation. The hotels that have joined the platform are mainly located in the North-American and the Asia-Pacific markets, where Tourico Holidays and GTA respectively have strong footprints.

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Author: Editor