Focus on cherishing and protecting natural and cultural landscapes in Hall 4.1b
14th Pow-Wow for Tourism Professionals featuring the latest topics and exemplary adventure and eco-travel projects – New exhibitors and the new TTA segment underline the importance of this growing market

Berlin, 31 January 2019 – Experts and exhibitors in Hall 4.1b are due to meet at the 14th Pow-Wow for Tourism Professionals at ITB Berlin to discuss socially responsible tourism. From 6 to 8 March exhibitors and partners will present products and services which support ecologically, economically and socially responsible tourism and discuss sustainability and responsibility in tourism. The 14thPow-Wow will be opened by Peter DeBrine, senior project officer, UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, followed by a cultural event organised by Malaysia, the partner country of this year’s ITB. The slogan of the three-day series of this year’s Pow-Wow events is ’Scenic Roads and Trails – Cherishing Earth’s Natural and Cultural Landscapes’.
At this symposium, the only one of its kind worldwide, leading international guest speakers representing every tourism market, business and science will share their findings and experiences on the subject of socially responsible tourism. The wide range of topics will include ecologically responsible adventure travel, culinary travel experiences, technology, climate change, wildlife conservation, astro-tourism, green certification schemes, participatory tourism and geoparks.
On Thursday, 7 March, under the heading of ’Delving into the vast realm of Earth’s wildlife’, day two of the Pow-Wow will examine the issues and challenges arising from wildlife observation in tourism. MyClimate will round off the day’s events with a fascinating panel discussion on climate protection and sustainability. On Friday, 8 March, following its successful debut at ITB Berlin 2018, the second edition of the Cycle Tourism Day will be taking place. The main topic will be ’Gran Fondo towards biodiversity conservation’. Taking best practices as an example, the Allgemeiner Deutsche Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) will present this topic from the German cycling association’s point of view. Afterwards, international experts will discuss ways in which scenic cycle routes and paths in natural and cultural landscapes can be carefully developed taking ecological aspects into account. This theme day is supported by The European Cycle Route Network, EuroVelo and the ADFC. On Friday evening at 6 p.m., taking place on and around the big stage, the leading international Responsible Tourism Networking Event will conclude the 14thPow-Wow. Everyone involved in sustainable tourism will be invited to briefly introduce themselves to those present.
Numerous new exhibitors await adventure seekers
Parallel with the expanding market for ecologically, economically and socially responsible tourism, exhibitor numbers in this segment are growing at ITB Berlin. From 6 to 10 March 2019 close to 80 exhibitors from around 30 countries will be presenting their innovations and products in Hall 4.1b. The combined stand of Madagascar: Responsible Travel and Authentic Experiences comprising nine Madagascan tourism organisations which support socially responsible tourism will be represented in this hall for the first time.
Also taking part for the first time will be the Plitvice Lakes National Park and Park Krka, national parks from Croatia, and the publisher Deluis Klasing Verlag with its wide range of magazines and travel guides for mountain bikers, cyclists, sailing and surfing enthusiasts, to name only a few. Other first-time exhibitors this year will include WWF Germany and WWF Borneo. For the first time, Brot für die Welt Tourism Watch and the information portal of Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst will be represented on a combined stand together with Studienkreis für Tourismus, ECPAT and The Code, the leading organisation for the protection of children in the tourism industry.
As in many previous years, in 2019 the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) is a strong partner of ITB Berlin. Chris Doyle, executive director, Europe & Central Asia, ATTA: ”The wealth of invaluable information which we collect annually at ITB Berlin, the positive feedback from members and partners of ATTA who attend, and the growing popularity of our industry gatherings are proof that our long-term commitment has borne fruits. The Adventure Hall attracts our destination partners especially. They are exhibiting there in increasing numbers in order to underline their unique standing and interest customers and journalists in their products.“
Debut for the Technology, Tours & Activities (TTA) segment
Technology, Tours & Activities (TTA) is an important new segment at ITB Berlin. An exhibition and meeting area has been specially created in Hall 4.1b, where major players and minor startups alike can present their innovative products from the world of in-destination services.
”We look forward to being there when the TTA segment makes its debut.“ Chris Doyle from ATTA has been involved in developments from the start. ”By creating the TTA Marketplace and the forum, ITB Berlin has brought fresh ideas to Hall 4.1b and is helping important companies in the tourism industry to make use of the potential that technology offers and find relevant solutions“. He added that in-destination services were key to marketing responsible tourism.