International Master Program (MSc) 2021 – 2022

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MScInternational Master Program (MSc) – “Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society”

The International Master Program (MSc) “Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society” is implemented through the pioneer cooperation of three Universities, the Harokopio University of Athens (Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, Department of Geography, Department of Informatics and Telematics),  the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne  (IREST – Institute for Research and Higher Studies in Tourism) and the University of the Aegean (Department of Business Administration). Courses take place at  Harokopio University of Athens’ excellent premises[1].

The International Master Program, the Career Office of   Harokopio University and the “Study in Greece” Project are holding a Virtual Open Day on Friday 09 April 2021. The event is addressed to prospective students who consider applying to the Program, which launches its 4th year of operation and invites those interested to submit their candidacy for the academic year 2021 – 2022.

We are delighted to extend a very warm invitation to join us on Friday, April 9th from 16:00 (Greek time) for our Virtual Open Day. Our on-line event will give you the opportunity to be informed about the Program by faculty members and listen to our students’ and graduates’ experience.

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Book your place today and we will send you information about how to join the event online and get the most out of your visit. Register here.

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Author: Editor