“The calibre of candidate that contested the open positions on our International Board of Directors is testament to the strength, power and reach of SITE as the voice in Business Events for incentive travel, the “I” in MICE. I really look forward to working with Marcella, Melissa, Michael and Nitin as we continue to “build back better” and prepare for SITE’s 50th anniversary in 2023”, said Kevin Edmunds, CIS, CITP, President-Elect, SITE and Vice President, AIC Hotel Group.
“We’re also bidding farewell to 4 directors at the end of 2021. El Kwang, CIS, CITP CEO, Untangled and Brad Hecht, CITP, Vice President, Travel, Motivation Excellence both served one term and brought great insights to our international board, El channelling the Asia perspective, and Brad that of the incentive house community. Eda Ozden, CIS, CITP, Managing Director, MEP Destination Business Solutions and Jenn Glynn CIS, CITP, Managing Partner, Meeting Encore Ltd. also depart following two extraordinary terms, Eda co-chairing the inaugural Incentive Summit Europe and Jenn spearheading the CITP certification, and serving with grace and distinction as President of SITE in 2020”, said Aoife Delaney, CIS, CITP, President, SITE and Director of Global Sales & Marketing, DMC Network.
In Paris last week, at its first face to face meeting for almost 18 months, SITE’s board also elected its Officers and Executive Committee for 2022:
SITE President, 2022: Kevin Edmunds, CIS, CITP, Vice President, AIC Hotel Group.
SITE Immediate Past President, 2022: Aoife Delaney, CIS, CITP, Director of Global Sales & Marketing, DMC Network.
VP, Finance & Sponsorship: Karim El Minabawy, President, Emeco Travel – EUROMIC Egypt
VP, Education: Colleen Brzozowski, CIS CITP, Hospitality Professional, Independent
Member-at-Large: Anne Marie Rogers, CIS, CITP, Director of Meetings & Incentives, Direct Travel