Travel Trends 2023: SiteMinder’s Latest Research Unveils Exciting Insights

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#TravelTrends #SiteMinderResearch #ChangingTraveller #AccommodationInsights #TechSavvyAccommodation

Sydney, Australia –  SiteMinder, the world’s leading open hotel commerce platform, has recently published the highly anticipated 2023 edition of the largest consumer research on travel trends. The report sheds light on the evolving travel plans and motivations of global travelers, offering valuable insights for the accommodation industry.

Travel Trends: Key Findings

  • Travel Enthusiasm: A remarkable 91% of travelers intend to maintain or increase their travel frequency compared to the past year. Among them, 57% plan to travel even more extensively.
  • International Focus: The number of travelers looking to explore international destinations exclusively has surged from 20% last year to an impressive 42% this year.

The Changing Traveller Report 2023

This comprehensive analysis, based on responses from over 10,000 travelers across 12 countries, identifies four distinct traveler profiles that will shape the accommodation industry’s future:

  1. The Enduring Explorer: These travelers are committed to their journeys, regardless of rising living costs.
  2. The Digital Dependent: Reliant on technology, these travelers are always connected to their devices.
  3. The Memory Maker: Seeking memorable experiences, they embrace the spirit of the ’20s.
  4. The Conscious Collaborator: They value accommodations that support local communities.

Travel Trends: Accommodation Preferences

Despite inflationary pressures, 87% of global travelers are willing to invest beyond their room costs for a great experience. To cope with increased prices, most travelers opt for package deals or seek budget-friendly room options. Notably, nearly 1-in-3 travelers prioritize accommodation with a strong connection to the local culture and community.

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Travel Trends: Accommodation as a Destination

Accommodation is no longer just a place to stay; it’s a destination in itself. Half of all travelers, especially international ones, plan to spend a significant portion of their trip at their accommodation. The number of travelers planning to work during their trips remains unchanged at 36%.

SiteMinder’s Insights

Trent Innes, SiteMinder’s Chief Growth Officer, emphasizes the pivotal role of accommodation providers in today’s travel landscape. He notes that travelers’ intentions are shifting towards international destinations, even as they seek ways to adapt to rising costs. Accommodation providers are now central to the travel experience, with half of travelers considering their accommodation as the primary destination.

Innes adds, “Today’s traveler is enduring, digitally-dependent, and conscious, with a strong desire to create lasting memories. Understanding their intentions and motivations is crucial for the accommodation and travel industry to meet their expectations.”

Technology Gap

While travelers are forgiving of lower service standards due to staff shortages (70%), they believe the accommodation sector lags behind in technology adoption. Nearly 80% of travelers perceive the industry as average or below par in tech-savviness. Two-thirds agree that their booking and stay experiences could improve with more tech-savvy accommodations.

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Technology Use Among Travelers

  • AI: Over half of travelers, especially millennials, are likely to use AI for accommodation recommendations.
  • Social Media: 70% of travelers, including 9-in-10 Generation Z travelers, rely on social media for discovering accommodations.
  • Booking Websites: While 75% of travelers book online, more than half have abandoned bookings due to bad online experiences, such as feeling insecure or encountering difficult processes.


SiteMinder’s Changing Traveller Report 2023 offers invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of travel and accommodation. As travelers prioritize experiences, technology, and community connections, the accommodation industry must adapt to meet these expectations. SiteMinder’s Changing Traveller Report 2023 is available here.

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Author: Editor